Remember when I recapped my most recent visit to the Brooklyn Flea, and showed some tables that were reminiscent of a project D completed? Well, it's high time I shared his work. D's been a longtime follower of Primer Magazine, and I'm a fan of their "Intentional Apartment" series- sounds right up my alley, as they focus on building an environment that you love within a budget you can manage. Their post on building an industrial side table really inspired D to crate his own.
Here's their inspiration for the project:
Absolutely beautiful, but pricey for sure. I'll send you to Primer for the step-by-step, but it was simple and enjoyable. D bought the pipes, an inexpensive piece of wood to be stained and banged up a bit, and screwed it all together.
The trickiest bit was attaching the legs, and even that wasn't terrible (of course, he had me as a helper). We were both pleased with the result. The total cost was around $75, and he thinks that with more foresight, he could have done it cheaper.
You can see more of the table top in this post, and because know you're all DYING for another look at my succulent success, you can see the table top below.
Yeah, I did that. You're welcome, internet.