Friday, March 22

link up

Friday again, and D's birthday! Lots of celebration this weekend, including a bar crawl around U Street, a trip to Baltimore for some good clean fun (bowling), FINALLY using a generous gift card to a Charm City restaurant, and more. Some light reading to kick things off on a positive note.

Guns are bad. Thumbs up are good.

If you've heard that Bobby Jindal's Gridiron Dinner speech was hilarious, you would be correct. I think both sides of the political aisle got a good laugh, and I was personally giggling at my desk. Check it out here.

Need an alternative to Google Reader? This list of options is pretty thorough. I feel like I'm losing a good friend, but so far I've given Feedly a shot and it's working just fine.

Really enjoying all the buzz Sheryl Sandberg has been getting for Lean In. Thought her TED talk was good as well. 

Who has seen the new Style Me Pretty "Living" blog? Haven't spent too much time with it, but I hear we may end up best friends.

And a quick thought for your weekend, from the man with all the answers.

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how you like dem apples?