
Friday, November 22

link it up

Let's make this a light week of link it ups, shall we? I head to chilly Buffalo Monday night and need to go out in good cheer.

my favorite thanksgiving tablescape (here)
The ultimate Thanksgiving drinking game. Family? Yes? I will DEFINITELY be doing a lot of these, including unbuttoning my pants, falling asleep, citing tryptophan as the cause, saying my diet starts tomorrow, trying to sneak something healthy on the table, eating too much pie, and starting the Christmas tunes (gotta admit, I've been cheating on Thanksgiving, but only because I had to hear Clarkson's Wrapped in Red). Basically, if we play this, I will be drunk.

these are just great: 24 clever print ads. Some advertisements really are top notch.

Bad engagement photos. People are dumb.

Mean Disney Girls. Combining two of my great loves.

Who has seen this incredible before and after photo? It sparked some heated debate on Reddit about the value and deception of makeup. And then I found this. #gameover

Women in STEM people, women in STEM (says the Philosophy major).


  1. ummm...i just sent every one of these links to different funny and awesome!

  2. Centerpieces are usually lovely, but on Thanksgiving it just means there's that much less room on the table for food.

    Also, if we go by these rules, we will all be white girl wasted this Thanksgiving.

  3. OMG contouring! MUST LEARN!!!
    Wish we could spend Thanksgiving together!


how you like dem apples?